
What's the Core Concept behind achieving Board & C-Suite cyber readiness and organizational culture of cybersecurity?
How does the Executive Cybersecurity Blueprint™ help you achieve it?

“Companies have a 37.5% chance of being breached in the next 2 years and pay on average $9.9mm* per breach not because their technology or CISO are insufficient but because their Boards and Executive Teams are missing the protocol on how to develop and sustain a culture of cybersecurity from the Board down.”

Andrzej Cetnarski, Forbes Magazine

*At $11.1mm, healthcare is highest for 12th year in a row, and rising.


  • Vertical Expertise: Cybersecurity, Cyber Defense, and Cyber National Security of Critical Infrastructure Sectors; Technology Innovation, Digital Transformation, Supply Chain
  • ​​Industry Expertise: Transportation, Logistics, Real Estate, Infrastructure, Healthcare, Hospitality, Financial Services, Education
  • Product Expertise: ​Private Equity & Venture Capital, Investment Banking, M&A, IPOs, Capital Raising
  • ​​Board- & Cabinet-Level Organizational & Cybersecurity Governance & Strategy Development and Integration
  • ​Strategic Advisory to Board, C-Suite, Investment Committee, Cabinet, & Ministry-Level Leadership Teams
  • Helping Boards, C-Suites, Investors, and Government Leadership Teams Create and Sustain Breach-Deterrent Cultures of Individual Cybersecurity and Organizational Cybersecurity Strategy, Able to Avoid the Increasing Cost of Breaches
  • ​Integration of Cybersecurity Strategy with Corporate Strategy, Tech Innovation Strategy, Regulatory Cyber Policy Strategy, Geopolitical Cyber Response Strategy, and Culture Transformation.
  • ​​Global Cybersecurity Public-Private Partnership Development and Deployment
  • ​​Disruptive Cybersecurity Technology Innovation and Integration into Organizational Strategy
  • ​​Cybersecurity Ecosystem Building & Organizational Digital and Cybersecure Transformation
  • ​​Cybersecurity Regulatory Policy and Law Interaction with Organizational Strategy


  • RSA Conference 2023 Speaker & Panel Chair, “How to Create a Breach-Deterrent Culture of Cybersecurity, from Board Down,” Moscone Center, San Francisco, 9:40am-10:30am PST, April 24, 2023. Conference attended annually by ~45,000 cybersecurity and technology practitioners.
  • ​Wharton Alumni for Boards Fireside Chat Speaker, “How to Achieve a Breach-Deterrent Blueprint of Self-Focused and Organization-Focused Cybersecurity & a Culture of Cybersecurity That Helps Your Board & Executive Team Avoid the $9mm Price Tag of a Breach & Increasing Risk of Imprisonment,” Wharton Club of the National Capital Region, February 1, 2022.
  • Prime Movers Lab Venture Capital Fund Keynote Speaker, "The Cyber Secure Founder with Andrzej Cetnarski," Jackson, Wyoming, August 6, 2021; Keynote addressing 20 Founders of breakthrough scientific inventions that transform billions of lives.
  • Summit Co-Chairman, International Cybersecurity Innovation Summit - Cyber in Space, by America's Future Series, Cyber Nation Central, and National Cybersecurity Center, April 13, 2021, feat. LtGen Harry Raduege; Commissioner David Koh; LGen Robert (Bob) Shea; Deputy to the Commanding General of U.S. Army Cyber Command Ron Pontius; Admiral Bobby Inman; Cipher Brief's Suzanne Kelly, CIA CTO Nand Mulchandani; JPMorgan Global Head of AI Apoorv Saxena; and many others.
  • ​​Keynote Opening Speaker, "What Cybersecurity Matters Should Boards & C-Suites be Thinking About But Are Not?" International Cybersecurity Innovation Summit, April 13, 2021, featuring Dr. David Koh, Singapore's Commissioner of Cybersecurity and Chief Executive of The Cyber Security Agency of Singapore.
  • ​​Panel Chair, "AI in Cybersecurity of Our Nations: Building a Successful Innovation Ecosystem of Private-Government Sector Engagement," International Cybersecurity Innovation Summit, feat. CTO of DoD Joint Artificial Intelligence Center - Nand Mulchandani; JPMorgan Global Head of AI - Apoorv Saxena; and Head of Strategic Planning, Israeli National Cyber Directorate - David Shoresh. 
  • Head ​Panelist, "Protecting Assets in A Heightened Cyber Risk Environment," Youth INC State of the Market Speaker Series, 2020, also featuring: Amit Yoran, Chairman and CEO, Tenable; Peter Beshar, EVP and General Counsel, Marsh McLennan; Emily Mossburg, Global Cyber Leader, Deloitte.
  • ​​United States Department of State International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP) Keynote Speaker, US and International Cybersecurity Policy and Partnership Development, Cambridge, MA, June 18, 2018; addressing Delegations from Belgium, Switzerland, Poland, Thailand, and Bahrain.
  • ​Speaker, various think tanks, Istanbul, Turkey; Tbilisi, Georgia, 2018.
  • Speaker, "Democracy, Disruptive Technologies and Politics: Riding the Tiger or Being Eaten by It," The North American Think Tank Summit, Brookings Institution, April 20, 2017, alongside Financial Times Columnist & Commentator Edward Luce and Google Head of Global Policy Caroline Atkinson.
  • Speaker, "Entrepreneurship, Innovation & VC Investing in Southeast Asia," UBS Ultra High Net Worth Conference, Singapore, 2015.
  • ​​Co-Host & Speaker, "South China Morning Post Inaugural Luxury Experience Summit," Hong Kong, 2014; spoke alongside SCMP Chairman & CEO Robin Hu and Shanghai Tang Founder Sir David Tang.
  • Speaker, Beijing Doorknock (American Chamber of Commerce Hong Kong CEO Delegation), 2013-2015: Part of 20 CEO delegates leading US-Hong Kong-China trade/technology/energy relations/policy discussions with US Ambassador to China (M.Baucus), SOHO China Founders, Secretaries General / Heads of People’s Bank of China; China Securities Regulatory Commission; China Council for Promotion of Int’l Trade; Development Research Center of State Council; China Center for Int’l Economic Exchanges.
  • Co-Chairman, Wharton Finance Conference, Waldorf-Astoria, New York City, 2008. Hosted Keynote Speakers Lloyd Blankfein (Chairman & CEO of Goldman Sachs) and Ken Moelis (former President of UBS Investment Bank and founder of Moelis & Company). 1,000 private equity, investment banking, and broader financial services Board Directors, C-Suite Executives, Investors in attendance.



Pursuing higher-purpose security of our nations, organizations, and citizens, one based on integrity, trust, partnership, digital privacy, and fulfillment of mutual interests.

Introducing the...

Executive Cybersecurity Blueprint™ 
for Boards & C-Suites

Cyber Nation Central® is dedicated to helping organizations in the US and around the globe solve the breach prevention gap by delivering insights, protocol, and advisory that, in as little as 7 hours, is able to help Boards and Executive Teams become fully cyber ready and capable of creating and sustaining a breach-deterrent culture of cybersecurity.
Is the Executive Cybersecurity Blueprint™ right for your Board & C-Suite?
Take our survey to find out if your Board & C-Suite is the right fit.


Give each Board Director and Executive the tools to master their individual and organizational cybersecurity and develop their personalized yet synchronized action blueprint so you operate “as one” to bring this cybersecure culture into your employee ranks.


As CEO, the ultimate responsibility for establishing a culture of cybersecurity in your organization lies with you. Leading by example, you must prioritize cybersecurity in your strategic decision-making and behavior to set the tone for your Executives, Board, and Employees. To do so, it's crucial that you and your Directors and Executives have a comprehensive awareness of the risks facing your organization, particularly those that make you the prime targets for cyber breaches."

​The Executive Cybersecurity Blueprint™:

  • ​Enables you, your Directors, and Executives to set an example and foster a culture of cybersecurity that addresses vulnerabilities in your professional, personal, and family lives and those of your employees, thus enhancing your organization's breach deterrence.
  • ​Makes it harder for hackers to exploit these vulnerabilities and creates a confident, knowledgeable culture in your Board, C-Suite, employees, and third-party contractors. 
  • ​Ultimately, mitigates the human risks that account for up to 97% of cyber breaches, safeguarding the organization, assets, ROI, people, and family.


As CEO, the ultimate responsibility for establishing a culture of cybersecurity in your organization lies with you. Leading by example, you must prioritize cybersecurity in your strategic decision-making and behavior to set the tone for your Executives, Board, and Employees. To do so, it's crucial that you and your Directors and Executives have a comprehensive awareness of the risks facing your organization, particularly those that make you the prime targets for cyber breaches."

​The Executive Cybersecurity Blueprint™:

  • ​Enables you, your Directors, and Executives to set an example and foster a culture of cybersecurity that addresses vulnerabilities in your professional, personal, and family lives and those of your employees, thus enhancing your organization's breach deterrence.
  • ​Makes it harder for hackers to exploit these vulnerabilities and creates a confident, knowledgeable culture in your Board, C-Suite, employees, and third-party contractors. 
  • ​Ultimately, mitigates the human risks that account for up to 97% of cyber breaches, safeguarding the organization, assets, ROI, people, and family.


To achieve a breach-deterrent culture, the focus must shift from the CISO to the individual. It is crucial to recognize that the CISO can neither behave cybersecurely for you in your professional, personal, or family life nor offer anything that will address your personal and family cybersecurity, as that would violate your privacy, yet all areas affect your organization's cybersecurity. A culture of cybersecurity commences and culminates with the individual. 

To cultivate a breach-preventative culture of cybersecurity, it is necessary to start at the top. If you don't, these highest-cyber-risk individuals will continue to bring their professional, personal, and family cyber risks into the organization. This behavior sets a precedent that employees may replicate, making breach prevention nearly impossible. Therefore, to mitigate cyber threats effectively, it is critical to lead by example and foster a culture of cybersecurity from Board down.
The Executive Cybersecurity Blueprint(TM) provides you the training and tools to:
  • Develop the acuity to when you’re being targeted. 
  • Master professional, personal, and family cybersecurity - from devices to cloud, social media, authentication, and travel - so your organization isn’t exposed (and neither is your family), including behavioral & technology best practices for each. 
  • Master mitigation strategies for general and executive risks in each area.


With cybercrime changing the face of governance, regulations, geopolitics, and insurance daily, your Board must have a strategy to address this changing landscape. This is not your CISO's or Legal Officer's job. Furthermore, with cybersecurity and privacy violations now carrying criminal liability, each Director and Executive has a distinct cybersecurity role (individual, group-specific, and issue-specific) in developing, carrying out and overseeing these strategies. 
The Executive Cybersecurity Blueprint™ gets you up to speed and keeps you current on:
  • What your org-wide Board & C-Suite (not just CISO) Cyber Strategy needs to include for your:
  • Cyber Governance
  • Regulatory Cyber Policy Response
  • Geopolitical Cyber Response, and
  • ​Cyber Insurance.
  • What your individual, group-specific, and issue-specific cyber roles include and how to succeed in maintaining your cyber acuity in them.
  • How to successfully scale both your role and strategy as part of a sustained culture of cybersecurity.


With cybercrime changing the face of governance, regulations, geopolitics, and insurance daily, your Board must have a strategy to address this changing landscape. This is not your CISO's or Legal Officer's job. Furthermore, with cybersecurity and privacy violations now carrying criminal liability, each Director and Executive has a distinct cybersecurity role - individual, group-specific, and issue-specific - in developing, carrying out and overseeing these strategies. 
The Executive Cybersecurity Blueprint™ gets you up to speed and keeps you current on:
  • What your org-wide Board & C-Suite (not just CISO) Cyber Strategy needs to include for your:
  • Cyber Governance
  • Regulatory Cyber Policy Response
  • Geopolitical Cyber Response, and
  • ​Cyber Insurance.
  • What your individual, group-specific, and issue-specific cyber roles include and how to succeed in maintaining your cyber acuity in them.
  • How to successfully scale both - your role and strategy - as part of a sustained culture of cybersecurity.


Previously, organizations had no decentralized way of ensuring a culture of cybersecurity among Board, Executive, or employee ranks.
The Executive Cybersecurity Blueprint™ Protocol:
  • Guides each of your Directors & Executives through the development of your organizational action blueprint that is personalized to each individual Director and Executive, thus ensuring full alignment across your most senior ranks.
  • When properly and fully executed, helps you create a breach-deterrent culture of cybersecurity from the Board down that helps you avoid:
  • The $9.9mm average price tag of a breach.
  • The operational, emotional, and reputational breach costs. 
  • ​Imprisonment of individual Directors/Executives found negligent in a cyber breach.
  • Provides you resolution on:
  • Your individual cybersecurity (as professionals, private citizens, and families), thus also enhancing your organization’s cybersecurity.
  • Your collective cybersecurity (as a Board, Management, Audit Committee, etc.) against hackers that are targeting specifically you.
  • Organizational cybersecurity (through your Governance, Geopolitical, Regulatory Policy, and Cyber Insurance Strategy and intimate knowledge of your individual, team-, and issue-specific, fiduciary duties and tactical responsibilities. 


Keep your individual Board Director/Executive blueprint up to date with the latest data insights and expertise, and regularly test it against rapidly advancing cybercrime.


Hacker innovation confronts Boards & Executive Teams with:
  • Continuous advancements in strategic and technological tools of cyber warfare.
  • A continuously shifting geopolitical landscape.
  • The ever-changing regulatory environment shifting your fiduciary and tactical calculus.
  • ​Cyber insurance companies adjusting to the ever-changing new normal, with an incentive to reduce payouts to stay profitable.
Cyber Nation Central®’s proprietary Research Insights keep your Blueprint current on your rapidly changing and advancing:
  • Board strategy, fiduciary duties, and tactical responsibilities.
  • US federal, state, and international cybersecurity and privacy laws, regulations, policies, standards, and frameworks.
  • Cyber insurance policy optimization strategies, coverage gaps, exclusions, and your role.
  • ​Cybersecure behaviors, technologies, and best practices.


Hacker innovation confronts Boards & Executive Teams with:
  • Continuous advancements in strategic and technological tools of cyber warfare.
  • A continuously shifting geopolitical landscape.
  • The ever-changing regulatory environment shifting your fiduciary and tactical calculus.
  • ​Cyber insurance companies adjusting to the ever-changing new-normal, with an incentive to reduce payouts to stay profitable.
Cyber Nation Central®’s proprietary Research Insights keep your Blueprint current on your rapidly changing and advancing:
  • Board strategy, fiduciary duties, and tactical responsibilities.
  • US federal, state, and international cybersecurity and privacy laws, regulations, policies, standards, and frameworks.
  • Cyber insurance policy optimization strategies, coverage gaps, exclusions, and your role.
  • ​Cybersecure behaviors, technologies, and best practices.


Stay plugged into the right cyber defense experts and build the right external cyber partnerships so you are ready to proactively address situational dynamics and urgencies, before or as they arise, rather than when it’s too late.


To sustain a breach-deterrent culture of cybersecurity, you must build partnerships with the right external cyber defense experts who can help triage your Board-level cybersecurity strategy and address your questions as they arise, and who are ready and capable to fill in when and where your problem awareness, expertise, time, or budget for internal resource hiring are lacking.
Cyber Nation Central® ensures you have access to expertise that:
  • Isn’t just focused on cybersecurity IT but also incorporates cyber governance strategy, regulatory policy, and geopolitical response strategy, and cyber insurance strategy into your corporate strategy and vice versa, and
  • Isn’t just providing you with breach prevention tactics but 24/7 cyber breach response capabilities.
  • Is expert in some of the most complex government and private sector corporate strategy, cybersecurity defensive and offensive strategy and execution so you know your Advisors are “ready on day one,” yet can translate what’s most important into Board strategy for you so you don’t get lost in tech speak.
  • ​Isn’t just providing you with internal advisory capabilities but a network of the right cyber partners across the private and government sectors in the US and around the world so build the right relationships before that’s necessary.



Is the Executive Cybersecurity Blueprint™ right for your Board & C-Suite?
Take our survey to find out if your Board & C-Suite is the right fit.
Feature Snapshot

Powerful features to drive your culture of cybersecurity, from the Board down.

Give each Board Director and Executive the tools to master their individual and organizational cybersecurity and develop their personalized yet synchronized action blueprint so you operate “as one” to bring this cybersecure culture into your employee ranks.
Don't just take our word for it.
Members love the 
Executive Cybersecurity Blueprint™
"This is the only protocol in the market that teaches Boards, C-Suites, & Investors how to think about their own and their organizations' cybersecurity holistically & execute on it 360°. I was really impressed with how technology was used to deliver the information.”

Jonathan H.*
Chairman, $70mm healthcare information provider

"I went from thinking ‘the best solution to a cyber breach is a strong insurance policy’ to fully understanding my cyber fiduciary and executive role and its part in a larger cybersecurity strategy."

Calysta F.*
Healthcare Company out of US Pacific Northwest
"This Blueprint is simply a game-changer in organizations’ cybersecurity and building cultures of cybersecurity from the Boardroom and Executive Suite down. 

Dominik R.*
CEO, $100mm Healthcare Network
MD, Venture Capital Firm
"A CTO also benefits from [me] going through this protocol because they now have a CEO that drives a breach-preventative culture. [The CTO's] job of executing the overall org’s cybersecurity is that much easier – they now have “informed buy-in” from the top."

James B.*
London-based transatlantic company in the ESG space
“My biggest concern before going through the Blueprint protocol was that I’d need to become an expert in cybersecurity to know how to fully take control of my individual cybersecurity or to develop a culture of cyber-security in my organization. Instead, the Blueprint made it simple, teaching me how to do so in under 7 hours.”

James B.*
London-based transatlantic company in the ESG space
“The protocol is communicated expertly and is excellent. It’s engaging, with a format suitable for people with limited time.​

“I can say that not only is [the protocol] not time-consuming, it is a very profitable time.”

June L.*
Sr. Advisor to VP of a Central American Country, Corporate & Non-Profit Board Director
“The blueprint protocol helped me realize (and correct) that my individual cybersecurity was weak (and that of my Board Directors even more so) because neither I nor my IT focused on our professional level of threats any differently than those against our employees and didn’t focus on our personal or family threats at all.”

Dominik R.*
CEO, $100mm Healthcare Network
MD, Venture Capital Firm
"I have been searching for an appropriate [cybersecurity] protocol tailored to a senior leader, one that would provide both strategic and practical guidance. I am delighted with my choice of Cyber Nation Central®'s Executive Cybersecurity Blueprint™, and I strongly recommend it to any senior official or executive with my type of public profile.​"

Angela Z.*
Senior Official, Office of the United Nations Secretary-General

Don't just take
our word for it.

A powerful suite of features to help you create and sustain a breach-deterrent culture of cybersecurity, from the Board down. The Executive Cybersecurity Blueprint™ is ideal for creating cyber-ready Board Directors & Executives in a simple, effective, time-efficient, and transformative, yet unobtrusive manner.


$70mm Healthcare Information Provider
“The information was excellent, very timely and is easy to adopt. I was really impressed with how technology was used to deliver the information.”


Senior Official,
Office of the United Nations Secretary-General
“The protocol structure itself [is] excellent [and] breaks down complex subjects into easily understandable segments. [It] truly left no area uncovered and had everything that was needed to build a robust cybersecurity blueprint for any leader.
* Except where and as otherwise noted, to protect the identity of our members from undue threats, names of individuals and their companies have been changed and photos replaced with AI-generated avatars of individuals that do not exist in real life, although some attributes resemble the principal. Titles/positions/industries and quotes of individuals are factual and as provided by each individual. For Angela Z. and June L., the employers' names are factual. All case studies are factual. For further information on our Testimonials, refer to our Disclaimer.

Experience the Executive Cybersecurity Blueprint™ 
and see for yourself.

Gain insights through the Executive Cybersecurity Blueprint™
that have never been available before.


Cyber Nation Central® is dedicated to empowering Boards and C-Suites to navigate the complexities of cybersecurity governance, strategy, and conduct with confidence. 

Our mission is to enhance the security posture of critical infrastructure organizations worldwide, cultivating leadership teams that foster cyber sovereignty for nations, institutions, and citizens alike.




 Cyber Nation Central®
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