Cetnarski Published In Cyber Security Peer-Reviewed Journal: The CEO & Board Chair Manuscript On How To Achieve A Board-Down Cybersecurity Culture
Part I Now Available – Part II Launching January 31, 2024

Published: Jan 18, 2024 04:00 PM ET

New York City, US & London, UK, January 18, 2024 – In today’s boardroom and corner office battle for success, leadership's role in cultivating and authentically embodying a cybersecure culture is paramount. Andrzej Cetnarski, renowned global Board Chair and CEO, addresses this pivotal subject in his newly published CEO and Board Chair manuscript, "How to Get Your Board & Executive Team Cyber-Ready & Achieve a Culture of Cybersecurity, From the Board Down - The CEO Method™ for Breach Prevention." Published by Henry Stewart Publications’ Cyber Security: A Peer-Reviewed Journal , Part I of the manuscript addresses “Boards & C-Suites' Chessboard and Roles.” Part II covers “The Culture Transformation Process.” Available through Henry Stewart Publications and Cyber Nation Central.

This vital work has been aptly termed "the CEO and Board Chair playbook for getting your Board & C-Suite cyber-ready and sustaining a culture of cybersecurity from the Board down," providing a CEO-driven yet decentralized blueprint methodology for cyber resilience that enables security chiefs to succeed while empowering and arming other executives and directors to own their strategy and roles. It delivers The CEO Method™ for leaders to not only enhance their cyber acuity but to actively drive strategies that protect their organizations from rising cyber threats.

Cetnarski remarks, "Over 70% of breaches are caused by cyber(in)secure conduct, strategy, and culture. Less than 30% are the result of tech and CISO weaknesses. 82% are caused by insiders. This is now predominantly a people and strategy issue, where CEO and Board Chair leadership takes center stage. The CEO Method™ depicted in the manuscript embodies this philosophy, empowering leaders to forge a cybersecure culture from the Board down."

The Editorial Board of Henry Stewart Publications’ Cyber Security: A Peer-Reviewed Journal, including cyber leaders from prestigious institutions like GlaxoSmithKline, US Department of Homeland Security, Denver Health, and more, endorsed and praised this comprehensive manuscript, stating "An excellent piece! Contains a lot of good information. Uses great references that are relevant and current."

About Andrzej Cetnarski: A global Board Chair, CEO, and luminary in cyber defense, tech innovation, and strategic finance, Andrzej Cetnarski has been at the forefront of board governance, tech innovation, and cybersecurity for over two decades. He is Chairman and CEO of Cyber Nation Central®, former Fortune 50 Wall Street tech, defense, and critical infrastructure investment banker, government and US Congressional advisor, and entrepreneur across US, Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. Cetnarski was named CEO of the Year by CEO Monthly Magazine, has contributed to Forbes Magazine, and is an alumnus of Harvard Kennedy School (MPA), Wharton (MBA), and University of Chicago (BA). For a complete bio, visit

About Cyber Nation Central®: Cyber Nation Central® is a global cybersecurity insights, protocol, and advisory firm dedicated to cultivating cybersecure-by-design Boards and C-Suites. It is focused particularly on sectors where cyber strategy and acuity lapses can result in loss of life or erosion of national security or consumer safety. To accomplish its mission, Cyber Nation Central® offers Boards and Management Teams its Executive Cybersecurity Blueprint™ protocol platform, which includes the Certified Cyber-Ready Fiduciary™ (CCRF™) protocol certification, ongoing executive cyber education, advisory, and membership in the Cyber Nation Central® Directors and Officers™ (CNCDO™) Network to help advance Boards and C-Suites’ cyber partnerships across the private, government and applied academic research sectors. To learn more, visit

About Henry Stewart Publications’ Cyber Security: A Peer-Reviewed Journal: A leading voice in cybersecurity discussions, informed by a diverse range of experts from government, corporate, finance, military, and non-profit sectors. To learn more, visit
Contact: Media Relations, Cyber Nation Central®,
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