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The CEO & Board Chair Manuscript
"How to Get Your Board & C-Suite 
Cyber-Ready & Achieve a Sustainable Culture of Cybersecurity, 
from Board Down"
The CEO Method™ for Breach Prevention: Unlocking 90%+ Breach Prevention Probability & Up To 27% EBITDA Savings
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Peer-Reviewed MANUSCRIPT

As published by Henry Stewart Publications' 
Cyber Security: A Peer-Reviewed Journal

Release Date: 
Part II: Jan 31, 2024
Cyber Security: A Peer-Reviewed Journal by Henry Stewart Publications

61-page, 20,000-word manuscript on "How to Get Your Board & Executive Team Cyber-Ready & Achieve a Culture of Cybersecurity, from Board Down - The CEO Method™ for Breach Prevention"

What you will learn in this manuscript (see detailed Abstract below):

  • ​Why is breach prevention now the CEO and Board Chair's problem (vs. the CISO's) and what must CEOs and Board Chairs and their Executives and Directors do differently to succeed?
  • ​How can your Board & C-Suite take control of breach prevention, prevent breaches with 90%+ certainty, and do so without having to become cyber experts?
  • Why and how must cybersecurity be decentralized to achieve breach deterrence?
  • What cyber roles do your individual Directors and Executives have and need to execute against?
  • ​The 6-Step process to getting your Board and C-Suite cyber-ready, achieving a culture of cybersecurity from the Board down, preventing breaches with 90%+ certainty, and saving up to 27% of your bottom line annually through breach prevention.

Dirk A. Hall
Chairman of the Board, KKT Orthopedic Spine Centers
Chief Operating Officer, Ballast Rock Wealth Management & Investment Group

"This is a much needed resource for Board members and senior executives"

Richard Bach
Partner, Heligan Investments
Editorial Board Member, Cyber Security: A Peer-Reviewed Journal

"Thank you, Andrzej, the credit really is yours. Without good leadership, good cyber doesn’t happen. Ultimately - and as you clearly articulate - this means board engagement. Excellent work, well done."

KeenWhye Lee
Former Managing Director
Rothschild Capital

“The Cyber Nation Central Team is the Rolls Royce of cybersecurity.” 

Melissa Goldberger
Chief Marketing Officer, SafeBreach

"Andrzej! Thank you so much for speaking at [the SafeBreach] Validate [Summit]. We are STILL getting a ton of positive feedback about your session - it was a true highlight!"
Most Boards and Executive teams do not know how to achieve a culture of cyber security in their organizations, which puts company assets and return on investment (ROI) at risk. Many also do not know how to conduct themselves securely in all areas of their lives, much less what their role in driving the cyber security strategy of their organization is or should be, which further drives up the risk. 

Given that culture always starts at the top, this paper, published in two parts across consecutive Cyber Security: A Peer Reviewed Journal issues, teaches Chief Executive 
Click Image to Enlarge
Officers (CEOs), Board Chairs, their Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs), as well as other Board Directors, C-Suite Executives and their Investors, the CEO-driven yet decentralized, Board-down method for breach prevention, getting all Board Directors and C-Suite Executives cyber-ready to execute their part and creating a culture of cyber security from the Board down, thus also helping organizations alleviate the pressure on CISOs as the focal point of creating and sustaining cultures of cyber security and serving as an indispensable complement to CISOs’ work of cyber- securing the information technology (IT) and operational technology (OT) infrastructure of organizations. 

This method, called The CEO Method™, was invented by global tech and defense investment banker, entrepreneur, US Congressional adviser, Wharton and Harvard alum Andrzej Cetnarski, Chairman, CEO and Founder of Cyber Nation Central®, global cyber security protocol education, insights and advisory company dedicated to helping clients achieve cyber-secure-by-design boards, executive teams and organizations. Cetnarski invented The CEO Method™ and its protocol process in response to a fatal breach of his first venture, where even the most cyber-secure technology and best-performing CTO were not able to prevent a breach caused by lack of understanding by the Board, C-Suite and blue-chip investors of what a true culture of cyber security entailed, allowing the threat actors to take advantage of the still-very- typical-of-Boards-and-investors-today gap in cyber security knowledge and awareness, further exacerbated by a still-CISO-centric approach to cyber security. 

In so doing, this paper also teaches its readers the process for bridging the widening gap between CISO, regulatory compliance and technology as ‘the answer’ versus actual hacker-deterrent cultures of decentralized cyber security, individual ownership of cyber-specific fiduciary roles and tactical responsibilities, ‘partnership with’ instead of ‘over-reliance on’ the CISO and mastery of individual risk and response, individual cyber security and organizational cyber-strategy and each Board Director’s and Executive’s role in it. 

Part I of the paper focuses on the "Boards & C-Suites' Chessboard and Roles" and covers the answers to:
‘Why and how should CEOs, board chairs and CISOs treat breach prevention readiness differently than they are now?’, 
‘Why and how is the core concept of cyber security different than what most boards and C-suites think it Is?’ and 
‘What do boards and C-suites need to be doing differently to close the gap between the 37.5% chance of breach and US$10mm average cost of breach and actual breach deterrence?’

Part 2 of the paper focuses on "The Culture Transformation Process" and covers the three-part, six-step Process for Achieving a Culture of Cyber Security from the Board Down, including a comparison between the market’s current Chief Information Security Officer (CISO)-centric approach versus The CEO Method™, as well as results to be expected from both approaches. By the end of Part 2, readers will have learned what ingredients CEOs, board chairs, directors and non-CISO executives need to be deploying in their own cyber roles to build a culture of cyber security from the Board down, and do so in a way that critically complements (but does not replace) what the CISO is doing, thus providing organizations with an actual chance of preventing a breach.

KEYWORDS: breach prevention, cyber acuity North Star, culture of cyber security, CISO- centric approach, CEO method, hacker-deterrent cultures, decentralized cyber security
About the Author
Click Here for Andrzej's Bio



Global Board Chair, CEO, and Investor with 20 Years Leading Cyber Defense, Tech Innovation, and Strategic Finance

Chairman & CEO with 20 years in cybersecurity, national security, defense strategy, tech innovation, finance, policy across investment banking, government, entrepreneurship. Work experience in US, Europe, Asia, Middle East. Expertise in cyber governance, national security, corporate strategy for healthcare, transportation, defense Boards/C-Suites. Founder, Chairman, CEO of cyber defense firm, Cyber Nation Central. Entrepreneur, investor, author. Former tech, defense, real estate banker, congressional advisor, Harvard national/cyber security policy alum.

Private sector Board Chairman for 10+ years. For-profit Board Director for 6+ years. Governance and cyber governance expert. Educator of by-Director and -Committee cyber roles and responsibilities. Cyber Committee Founder. Certified Cyber-Ready Fiduciary (CCFR™).

Decade-long CEO with Harvard, Wharton, Univ. of Chicago background. Former Congressional Aide turned ops exec, Wall Street tech, defense, real estate critical infrastructure investment banker, entrepreneur, cyber strategist. Led global tech/hospitality firm subject to failed takeover, successful cyberattack/disinfofmation campaign, forging Cyber Nation Central to educate Boards/C-Suites on comprehensive cyber strategy beyond tech.
Named CEO of the Year by CEO Monthly Magazine, Andrzej Cetnarski is a cyber governance, national security and corporate strategist for Boards and C-Suites, entrepreneur, investor, and Founder, Chairman and CEO of Cyber Nation Central®, a global cybersecurity protocol, insights, and advisory firm for Boards and Executive Teams, and Chairman of the Cyber Nation Central® Directors and Officers (CNCDO™) Network

Mr. Cetnarski is a former US Congressional staffer, Forbes Contributor and Wall Street tech, aerospace and defense, and real estate infrastructure investment banker with US$7bn+ in closed deals, and serves on the Advisory Council of the Krach Institute for Tech Diplomacy at Purdue

He holds a MPA in National and Cyber Security Policy from Harvard Kennedy School, MBA in Finance & Entrepreneurship from Wharton, MA in Asian and European Affairs from Lauder Institute at the University of Pennsylvania, and Honors AB in Economics from University of Chicago

Mr. Cetnarski is a published author with Henry Stewart Publications’ Cyber Security: Peer Reviewed Journal, with a 20,000-word manuscript titled “For CEOs, Board Chairs & CISOs: How To Get Your Board & Executive Team Cyber-Ready and Achieve a Culture of Cybersecurity From the Board Down – The CEO Method™ For Breach Prevention.”

For Mr. Cetnarski’s complete bio, media coverage, Board recruitment, speaker booking, and Board and Executive cybersecurity training visit:
Editorial Board
  • Richard Bach, Partner, Heligan Investments
  • ​Malcolm Brooke, Head of Technology Risk, Barclays
  • ​Bonnie Butlin, National Coordinator and Chair of the National Council, Canadian Cybersecurity Alliance
  • ​Heather Ceylan, Deputy Chief Information Security Officer, Zoom
  • ​Robert Coles, Chairman of the Board, Crossword Consulting
  • ​Jose Ramon Coz Fernandez, GNSS Cyber Internal Auditor, Directorate of Navigation, European Space Agency
  • ​Alex Crowther, Visiting Research Professor, Florida International University
  • ​Behnam Dayanim, Partner and Global Co-Chair, Privacy and Cybersecurity Practice, Paul Hastings
  • ​Debra J. Farber, Global Head of Security Assurance, Regulatory Engagement (Privacy), Amazon Web Services
  • ​Ronald E. Fisher, Director, Department of Homeland Security Division, National and Homeland Security Directorate, Idaho National Laboratory
  • ​Randall Frietzsche, Enterprise Chief Information Security Officer, Denver Health and Hospital Authority
  • ​Peter Gibbons, Professional Head (Cyber Security), Network Rail 
  • ​Ed Goldberg, former Manager, Business Continuity, Disaster Recovery and Threat Assessment, Eversource
  • ​Richard Grassie, President, Prism Security
  • ​Frank Hsu, Professor of Computer and Information Science, Director, Laboratory of Informatics and Data Mining, Fordham University
  • ​Lesley Kipling, Chief Security Advisor, Microsoft
  • ​Mark Kneidinger, Managing Partner, Kneidinge
  • ​Grant Lecky, Co-Founder, Security Partners Forum
  • ​James Lewis, SVP and Program Director, CSIS
  • ​Cheryl Martin, Vice President, Head of Cyber Security, Capgemini
  • ​Frank M. Olmstead, Director, Cyber Operations & Threat Intelligence, General Dynamics Information Technology
  • ​Elizabeth Petrie, Managing Director, Technology/Cyber Risk Frameworks, Citi
  • ​Jamie Rees, Enterprise Information Security Officer, WorkSafeNB
  • ​Craig Rice, Director of Cyber Resilience, Aviva
  • ​Tarun Samtani, Data Protection Officer and Privacy Program Senior Manager, International SOS
  • ​Annie Searle, Lecturer, The Information School, University of Washington
  • ​Ahmad Sultan, LBNL Privacy Officer and Cybersecurity Program Manager, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
  • ​Melissa Ventrone, Member, Clark Hill
  • Teresa Walsh, Global Head of Intelligence, FS-ISAC
  • Steve Williamson, Audit Account Director – Information Security and Data Privacy, GlaxoSmithKline

View full Editorial Board

Part I: Preview
(click images to enlarge)
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"This is the only [certification] protocol in the market that teaches Boards, C-Suites, & Investors how to think about their own and their organizations' cybersecurity holistically & execute on it 360°, beyond just relying on tech cybersecurity & the CISO. The information was excellent, very timely and is easy to adopt. I was really impressed with how technology was used to deliver the information.”
Jonathan H.*, Chairman
$70mm healthcare information provider
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