Even the most cybersecure tech & best CISO cannot behave cybersecurely for you, execute your cyber role, or lead a culture of cybersecurity for you. That is an individual Director’s and Executive’s job, be it on a Board Committee or company division.
Therefore, if your Board & Executive Team aren’t integrating the above areas into one cohesive Blueprint of cyber defense, then you are paving a way for hackers to breach you, thus risking 100% of your shareholder value.
A culture of breach-preventative cybersecurity is your most impactful defense. Otherwise, just the “above-the surface” costs of breach response will cost you hundreds of times more than following a proper breach prevention protocol process.
Cyber Nation Central® is dedicated to helping organizations in the US and around the globe resolve this gap between the current breach-prone CISO-centric/reliant approach to cybersecurity and the breach-deterrent Board-down culture of cybersecurity by delivering the right protocol training, insights, and advisory that, in as few as 7 hours, is able to help Boards and Executive Teams become fully cyber-ready and capable of creating and sustaining a breach-deterrent culture of cybersecurity from the Board down. Request a Consultation.