Lead in Cyber Governance Innovation by Becoming a Certified Cyber Fiduciary™ (CCF™)

through our Certified Cyber Fiduciary™ (CCF™) Certification and Re-Certification


  • Ensuring your Board and C-Suite are cyber-fortified is essential for robust governance, compliance, and strategic oversight in the face of evolving cyber threats. Our Certified Cyber Fiduciary™ (CCF™) Protocol Certification provides a comprehensive framework and process that equips your leaders with the necessary tools and knowledge to achieve this goal.
  • Our CCF™ Protocol Certification ensures your Board and C-Suite are equipped to master cybersecurity and stay informed about how evolving cyber threats uniquely impact their roles as Directors and Executives. This comprehensive program includes initial certification and ongoing re-certification to maintain continuous cybersecurity fortification.
  • The CCF™ Certification is fully personalized and flexible, available 24/7, allowing your executives to complete it at their convenience, whether they are at home, traveling, or in the office, all while having continuous, dedicated support throughout their journey.

"This Blueprint is a game-changer for organizational cybersecurity and creating cybersecure cultures from the Board and Executive Suite down.

Before adopting the Executive Cyber Blueprint™, I thought we needed costly cybersecurity experts. The Blueprint enabled my Board and Executives to assess and improve our cybersecurity, saving time and money. It also provided a comprehensive strategy for oversight, geopolitical, regulatory, and insurance aspects of cybersecurity."

- Dominik R.*

CEO & Board Chairman, Int'l Healthcare Clinic Network
Venture Capital  & Private Equity Managing Director

The Executive Cyber Blueprint™, when fully implemented, has a 90%+ chance of preventing breaches.

Marcus initially joined Cyber Nation Central® as a Board Director and Senior Advisor. Impressed by the Blueprint's value, he became our Chief Security Officer (CSO), overseeing both cyber and physical security. Cyber Nation Central® uses the Blueprint to onboard all internal stakeholders and conduct due diligence on external ones."

- Marcus Sachs

Fmr. White House Nat'l Security Council Cyber Executive
1st Cyber Director, US Dept. of Homeland Security (DHS)
CSO and Board Director, Cyber Nation Central

"This Blueprint is a game-changer for organizational cybersecurity and creating cybersecure cultures from the Board and Executive Suite down.

Before adopting the Executive Cyber Blueprint™, I thought we needed costly cybersecurity experts. The Blueprint enabled my Board and Executives to assess and improve our people and corporate strategy cybersecurity, saving time and money. It also provided a comprehensive strategy for oversight, geopolitical, regulatory, and insurance aspects of cybersecurity."

- Dominik R.*

CEO & Board Chairman, Int'l Healthcare Clinic Network
Venture Capital  & Private Equity Managing Director

The Executive Cyber Blueprint™, when fully implemented, has a 90%+ chance of preventing breaches.

Marcus initially joined Cyber Nation Central® as a Board Director and Senior Advisor. Impressed by the Blueprint's value, he became our Chief Security Officer (CSO), overseeing both cyber and physical security. Cyber Nation Central® uses the Blueprint to onboard all internal stakeholders and conduct due diligence on external ones."

- Marcus Sachs

Former White House National Security Council Cyber Executive
First Cyber Director, US Dept. of Homeland Security (DHS)
CSO and Board Director, Cyber Nation Central

Certification Process

Our CCF™ Protocol Certification guides your Board and C-Suite through a comprehensive framework and process to master cybersecurity. This includes:

1. Assess Your "Self"

  • Comprehensive Threat Assessment
  • Professional, Family, Home, Personal
  • Problem Addressed
  • Market lacks comprehensive threat assessment tailored for executives
  • Difference
  • Our certification protocol assesses individual and organizational threats comprehensively

2. Master Your Individual Cybersecurity

  • Individual Cybersecurity Mastery
  • Professional, Family, Home, Personal
  • Problem Addressed
  • Executives often lack adequate personal cybersecurity knowledge, thereby putting themselves, their family, and organization at further risk
  • Individual Cybersecurity Mastery
  • Our protocol certification assesses both individual and organizational threats and helps executives master their personal cybersecurity comprehensively

3. Master Your Organizational Cybersecurity Strategy and Your Role in It

  • Organizational Cybersecurity Mastery
  • Governance, Regulatory, Geopolitical, Insurance
  • ​Individual, Group, and Issue-Specific Roles
  • Problem Addressed
  • Lack of strategic Board oversight and management execution on organizational cybersecurity and individual responsibilities
  • ​Insufficient Executive and Board Director knowledge of individual and collective cyber roles
  • Difference
  • Our protocol integrates Directors and Executives into the organizational cybersecurity strategy at the exact level necessary for their role

4. Build Your Personal Action Blueprint

  • Personalized Cybersecurity Blueprint
  • Executive risk-based individual and organizational cybersecurity action plan, all in one place, continuously updated
  • Problem Addressed
  • No personalized action plans for executives
  • Individual Cybersecurity Mastery
  • Our protocol creates a personalized blueprint for each Executive and Board Director.

Re-Certification Process

Ongoing Compliance and Updates: Regular assessments and updates to ensure continuous cybersecurity readiness and adaptation to new cybercrime innovations.

5. Re-Certification

  • Ongoing Strategic and Innovative Updates
  • Regular assessments and updates to ensure continuous cybersecurity readiness and adaptation to evolving cybercrime innovations, staying ahead of both regulatory compliance and hacker innovation curves.
  • Problem Addressed
  • Many organizations struggle to keep their cybersecurity practices current, with most executives and Board Directors unaware of their crucial cyber roles, making them - and by proxy their organizations and families - vulnerable to emerging threats and sophisticated cybercrime innovations.
  • Difference
  • Our re-certification protocol ensures that your Board and C-Suite remain current with the latest developments in cyber governance, geopolitical, regulatory, and insurance strategies, maintaining a high level of readiness and resilience against evolving cyber threats.

Key Benefits

Comprehensive Threat Assessment

Individual and Organizational Cybersecurity Mastery

Personalized Cybersecurity Blueprint

Achieve 90%+ breach prevention and up to 30% profit protection

Gain admission into the Cyber Nation Central® Directors and Officers Network™ (CNCDO™)


Equipping your Board and C-Suite with cyber-fortifying governance tools is essential for both robust governance, compliance, and strategic oversight and for mastering individual cybersecurity roles and posture. This holistic approach is crucial to securing your organization.

Client Testimonials

"This protocol certification uniquely teaches Boards, C-Suites, and Investors to holistically approach and execute cybersecurity, beyond tech solutions and reliance on the CISO. The information was timely, excellent, and easy to adopt. The use of technology in delivering the information was impressive." 

- Jonathan H.*, Chairman

US Healthcare Information Provider

"I found the certification protocol to be very informative and am excited for the rest of the board and management team to work through it as well. With the geopolitical stage becoming increasingly critical, this protocol highlighted key areas for us to consider as we develop our cyber geopolitical response strategy."

- Barry B.*, Chief Information Security Officer (CISO)

 $70mm Healthcare Company

Experience the Executive Cyber Blueprint™ for yourself.
Schedule a conversation.

Gain insights through the Executive Cyber Blueprint™
that have never been available before.


Cyber Nation Central® is dedicated to empowering Boards and C-Suites to navigate the complexities of cybersecurity governance, strategy, and conduct with confidence. 

Our mission is to enhance the security posture of critical infrastructure organizations worldwide, cultivating leadership teams that foster cyber sovereignty for nations, institutions, and citizens alike.




 Cyber Nation Central®
450 Lexington Avenue, #2166
New York, NY 10163
United States of America
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