Build Your Cyber Governance and Defense Partnerships

via our Executive Advisory, CNCDO™ Network, and Executive Speaking Engagements


Unlock unparalleled expertise with our comprehensive Advisory Services, exclusive Cyber Nation Central® Directors and Officers Network™ (CNCDO™), and Executive Speaking Engagements.
  • Our Executive Advisory provides your Board and C-Suite with strategic and fiduciary guidance and practical solutions backed by over a century of combined experience in cybersecurity, corporate and cyber governance and strategy, related investment and M&A Advisory, compliance, and risk management. Learn More >
  • ​The Cyber Nation Central® Directors and Officers Network™ (CNCDO™) provides you access to an exclusive network of expertise, including unparalleled access to government, law enforcement, and peer networks, to help you address the most pressing cybersecurity challenges. Learn More >
  • Our Executive Speaking Engagements offer expertise whenever you need it most. Learn More >

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"This Blueprint is a game-changer for organizational cybersecurity and creating cybersecure cultures from the Board and Executive Suite down.

Before adopting the Executive Cyber Blueprint™, I thought we needed costly cybersecurity experts. The Blueprint enabled my Board and Executives to assess and improve our cybersecurity, saving time and money. It also provided a comprehensive strategy for oversight, geopolitical, regulatory, and insurance aspects of cybersecurity."

- Dominik R.*

CEO & Board Chairman, Int'l Healthcare Clinic Network
Venture Capital  & Private Equity Managing Director

The Executive Cyber Blueprint™, when fully implemented, has a 90%+ chance of preventing breaches.

Marcus initially joined Cyber Nation Central® as a Board Director and Senior Advisor. Impressed by the Blueprint's value, he became our Chief Security Officer (CSO), overseeing both cyber and physical security. Cyber Nation Central® uses the Blueprint to onboard all internal stakeholders and conduct due diligence on external ones."

- Marcus Sachs

Fmr. White House Nat'l Security Council Cyber Executive
1st Cyber Director, US Dept. of Homeland Security (DHS)
CSO and Board Director, Cyber Nation Central

"This Blueprint is a game-changer for organizational cybersecurity and creating cybersecure cultures from the Board and Executive Suite down.

Before adopting the Executive Cyber Blueprint™, I thought we needed costly cybersecurity experts. The Blueprint enabled my Board and Executives to assess and improve our people and corporate strategy cybersecurity, saving time and money. It also provided a comprehensive strategy for oversight, geopolitical, regulatory, and insurance aspects of cybersecurity."

- Dominik R.*

CEO & Board Chairman, Int'l Healthcare Clinic Network
Venture Capital  & Private Equity Managing Director

The Executive Cyber Blueprint™, when fully implemented, has a 90%+ chance of preventing breaches.

Marcus initially joined Cyber Nation Central® as a Board Director and Senior Advisor. Impressed by the Blueprint's value, he became our Chief Security Officer (CSO), overseeing both cyber and physical security. Cyber Nation Central® uses the Blueprint to onboard all internal stakeholders and conduct due diligence on external ones."

- Marcus Sachs

Former White House National Security Council Cyber Executive
First Cyber Director, US Dept. of Homeland Security (DHS)
CSO and Board Director, Cyber Nation Central

Executive Advisory and Board Services

Our Advisors bring a wealth of experience and knowledge to help your organization navigate the complex landscape of cybersecurity and broader cyber governance.

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Our Advisory and Board Services Include:

Strategic Advisory Services:

  • Board and Executive Leadership Advisory: 
  • Our Advisors have served on corporate and non-profit boards, been Board and Committee Chairs, CEOs, CISOs, CSOs, providing strategic oversight and enhancing cybersecurity governance while armed with the understanding of the rigors and precision of industry-defining execution.
  • Cyber Profile Governance and Execution Advisory: 
  • Our Advisors go beyond advising the CISO/CSO on IT, OT, and Info Security – they advise your Board and C-Suite on managing a cybersecure profile of your physical and digital organization, from tech to governance, geopolitical nation-state risks to regulatory compliance, focusing on breach deterrence rather than mere resilience, and establishing and maintaining robust cyber governance and execution frameworks tailored to your organization’s needs.
  • Risk Management and Compliance vs. Adversary Innovation Curve Advisory: 
  • Our Advisors develop strategies to manage and mitigate cyber risks, ensuring regulatory compliance and resilience. They fast-track you past the regulatory curve compliance (a lagging indicator) towards hacker-innovation curve “compliance” (a leading indicator).

Board Leadership Services:

  • Board Cyber Fiduciary and Cyber Committee Chair Duty Discharge: 
  • Our Advisors can serve on your Board, offering strategic oversight and guidance as Cyber Fiduciaries and Cybersecurity Committee Chairs. 
  • ​Selected for their global experience across all Board and C-Suite roles, they elevate your Board’s capacity to address cybersecurity challenges that underpin every aspect of your corporate strategy and fiduciary responsibilities. 
  • ​They enhance overall governance practices, ensuring both breach deterrence and cybersecure innovation. 
  • ​This service ensures your Board and C-Suite are equipped with the expertise needed to address today's cybersecurity threats in a breach-deterrent manner, optimizing your organization for cybersecure speed of innovation rather than cybersecurity-constrained execution.

Our Advisory Team Represents:

  • 100+ years in cyber defense & national security across private & government sectors.
  • Blue-chip expertise from Wall Street investment banking, private equity, consulting, & corporate sector.
  • Expertise working with clients from MNCs to growth ventures and governments globally.
  • ​Backgrounds from prestigious institutions and organizations (e.g., UBS, Morgan Stanley, Lockheed Martin, US Congress, White House National Security Council, Department of Defense, US Army, Harvard, Wharton, MIT).

Advisors' Executive Experience From:

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Advisors Educated At:

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Key Benefits:

  • Expert Guidance: Receive strategic oversight from seasoned advisors with extensive board experience.
  • Comprehensive Guidance and Solutions: Tailored strategies to enhance your organization's cybersecurity governance, in every area of your organization's cybersecurity.
  • Proactive Cyber Risk and Opportunity Management: Strengthen breach deterrence and ensure compliance with innovative advisory services.


Equipping your Board and C-Suite with expert cybersecurity advisory and strategic insights is essential for robust governance, compliance, and proactive risk management. Our Strategic Advisory & Board Services ensure your leadership team is prepared to address evolving cyber threats with precision and effectiveness, enhancing organizational resilience and breach prevention.

Client Testimonials:

"The insights and strategic guidance we received from Cyber Nation Central's advisory team were instrumental in enhancing our cybersecurity framework. Their expertise in cyber governance and risk management is unparalleled." 

- Jerri Z.*, Chairwoman and CEO

Transportation and Logistics Firm

"The Cyber Nation Central Advisory Team is the Rolls Royce of cybersecurity."

- KWL, Former Managing Director

Rothschild Capital Asia

Cyber Nation Central® Directors and Officers Network™ 
- CNCDO™ - 

Join the Cyber Nation Central® Directors and Officers Network™ (CNCDO™), an exclusive community of Board Directors and Executives globally, committed to excellence in cyber governance.

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Our CNCDO™ Network Offers:

Exclusive Corporate and Government Network:

  • Exclusive Access:
  • Engage with a distinguished network of other Board Directors, CEOs, and C-Suite Executives who share best practices and insights for cyber governance across their roles, divisions, committees, and personal lives.
  • ​​Our network includes cyber-ready Board Chairs, Audit/Cyber/Risk Committee Chairs, CEOs, CISOs, CSOs, CFOs, CIOs, Chief Legal Officers, Investors, and other Board Directors and senior executives from diverse industries across the US and globe.
  • ​​Gain access to government and law enforcement officials and peers who share best practices for optimizing your Board and C-Suite cyber and corporate governance strategy.
  • Certified Members:
  • Gain membership in our elite network, open only to those who have completed the Certified Cyber-Ready Fiduciary™ (CCRF™) Certification Protocol, ensuring a high standard of knowledge and expertise.

Executive Education and Learning:

  • Collaborative Platforms: 
  • Participate in regular discussions, forums, and events to share experiences, strategies, and solutions. Regular webinars, roundtable discussions, and annual conferences provide ample opportunities for collaboration and learning.
  • Continuous Learning:
  • Stay informed with the latest trends and developments in cybersecurity governance through our collaborative network. Members receive access to exclusive executive briefs and educational resources.

Key Benefits:

  • Exclusive Access: Engage with a network of high-level executives and government officials.
  • Collaborative Learning: Participate in ongoing discussions, webinars, and conferences to stay ahead.
  • Certified Expertise: Membership ensures access to a vetted community with top-tier knowledge.


Access to a distinguished network of Directors, Officers, and government officials provides your Board and C-Suite with unparalleled insights and collaborative opportunities. The CNCDO™ Network empowers your leaders with the latest trends, strategies, and best practices in cybersecurity governance, fostering an environment of continuous learning and proactive risk management.

Client Testimonials:

"Engaging with the Cyber Nation Central® Advisory Services and Cyber Nation Central® Directors and Officers Network™ (CNCDO™) has transformed our approach to cybersecurity governance. The depth of expertise and practical advice provided by their Advisors has been invaluable in strengthening our cybersecurity posture."

- Brent E.*, Chief Information Security Officer

Major Financial Institution

"I knew I was being coached by the best executive cybersecurity advisors in the business." 

- James B.*, Chief Executive Officer

London-based transatlantic company in the ESG space

Executive Speaking Engagements

Engage our executive experts for insightful presentations and workshops tailored to your organization's needs. Our Executive Speaking Engagements cover a range of topics, from cyber governance and cyber risk management to innovation in cybersecurity and cyber nation-building, delivered by our expert Executive Advisors.

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Our Executive Speaking Engagements Include:

Conference Speaking Engagements:

  • Industry Conferences: 
  • Our experts speak at industry conferences, providing cutting-edge insights on cyber governance, risk management, compliance, and cybersecurity innovation. Topics include developing and sustaining a culture of cybersecurity, Board-down cybersecurity, emerging threats, best practices in cyber governance, and innovative risk management strategies. Previous engagements include major industry conferences, podcasts, and webinars. Refer to Executive Speaking Engagements for select appearances and more details.

Board Meeting and Workshop Engagements:

  • Tailored Board Sessions:
  • Customized presentations and workshops for your Board and C-Suite to address specific cybersecurity and governance challenges and strategies. These interactive sessions provide practical solutions and actionable insights. For more details and select appearances, see Executive Speaking Engagements.

Media Engagements:

  • TV and Media:
  • Our experts are available for interviews, media appearances, and article contribution to discuss cybersecurity and broader governance topics, and promote awareness. Past appearances include major news networks, industry podcasts, major print publications, and webinars. See Executive Speaking Engagements for select appearances and more details.

Key Benefits:

  • Insightful Presentations: Gain cutting-edge insights and practical solutions tailored to your needs.
  • Enhanced Visibility: Benefit from our experts' presence in media and industry conferences.
  • Strategic Support: Leverage our ongoing support through tailored sessions and CNCDO™ Network engagement.


Executive Speaking Engagements provide your Board and C-Suite with top-tier thought leadership and expert guidance in cybersecurity, governance, and digital growth. These sessions deliver innovative perspectives and actionable strategies and insights for your organization as a whole and for every role in your Board and C-Suite, empowering your leadership to navigate cyber challenges and foster a culture of security and resilience..

Client Testimonials:

"I knew I was being coached by the best executive cybersecurity advisors in the business." 

- James B.*, Chief Executive Officer

London-based transatlantic company in the ESG space

"Crucial topic, well presented, well researched, well organized - my favorite session."

- Anonymous Executive Attendee, RSA Conference 2023

Addressing Andrzej Cetnarski and Marcus Sachs's presentation of "How to Create a Breach-Deterrent Culture of Cybersecurity, from Board Down"

"Andrzej! Thank you so much for speaking at [the SafeBreach] Validate [Summit]. We are STILL getting a ton of positive feedback about your session - it was a true highlight!"

Melissa Goldberger, Chief Marketing Officer


"Thank you, Andrzej, the credit really is yours. Without good leadership, good cyber doesn’t happen. Ultimately - and as you clearly articulate - this means board engagement. Excellent work, well done."

Richard Bach, Partner

Heligan Investments
Addressing Andrzej Cetnarski's published manuscript in Henry Stewart Publications' Cyber Security: A Peer-Reviewed Journal: "How to Get Your Board & Executive Team Cyber-Ready and Achieve a Culture of Cybersecurity, from the Board Down"

Experience the Executive Cyber Blueprint™ for yourself.
Schedule a conversation.

Gain insights through the Executive Cyber Blueprint™
that have never been available before.


Cyber Nation Central® is dedicated to empowering Boards and C-Suites to navigate the complexities of cybersecurity governance, strategy, and conduct with confidence. 

Our mission is to enhance the security posture of critical infrastructure organizations worldwide, cultivating leadership teams that foster cyber sovereignty for nations, institutions, and citizens alike.




 Cyber Nation Central®
450 Lexington Avenue, #2166
New York, NY 10163
United States of America
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